Thursday, September 30, 2010

Summer has ended, well at least on the calender, and Fall is upon us. Although I am a warm weather girl I have to admit its something about Fall, that intrigues and excites me. The changing colors and the cooler weather signal a change in my thought process.

I have been getting up early making time for prayer and meditation trying to refocus. One of my favorite movie lines is from the Shaw Shank Redemption, "Get busy living or get busy dieing!" Amen to that! Lord knows I have a lot of living yet to do, so with that said, as promised, my bucket list:

1. Finish my novel, whether its ever published or not I'm getting it done for me.
2. Visit all historic sites in the U. S.
3. Travel outside of the U. S. once per year, no matter what!!!
4. Get a tattoo (always wanted one but was afraid of the pain LOL).
5. Get healthy, wealthy and wise
6. Treat the people that love me, truly love me, better every day
7. BE HAPPY!!!

Small list I know, but I'm a simple girl, I don't require much and I reserve the right to expand the list at any time, LOL. Have a great Fall everyone, 2010 is almost in the books, lets send it out with a bang!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Is This As Good As It Gets?

I am sitting in Starbucks trying to get a little writing done ( I have a renewed commitment to the written word) and I started thinking about life, well my life in general. I start to ask myself is this as good as it gets, is this all, is this everything, and frankly at first I didn't have an answer to that question.

I look back over my life and see missed opportunities, time wasted and love lost. I also see perseverance, determination and strength in spite of it all, yet I am still unfulfilled. There are so many places I want to see, so many things I want to do and accomplish and so LITTLE time left to do those hings.

With all that said, since I know that time waits for no one, tomorrow is not promised to anyone and the early bird gets the worm, I have decided that I am going to take advantage of everyday, every minute and every second. I gotta go out and create new memories, new opportunities and find me a new love.

Where are you in your life? Do you believe that where you are is as good as it gets? Or can you redefine and recommit yourself to having more and living better?

Coming soon: My Bucket List (because we all need one just to keep us dreaming and focused)